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The Patriot Digest-vol. 4

Writer's picture: Dale HanksDale Hanks

Updated: Oct 2, 2021

The mainstream media continues to either ignore or misrepresent global events. Here are some recent stories you may not have seen...


Have you noticed how the debacle in Afghanistan is now officially out of the news cycle?

That’s because Joe Biden declared to the world at his speech to the United Nations General Assembly that he has “turned the page” after his extraordinary success.

“I stand here today for the first time in 20 years with the United States not at war. We’ve turned the page,” Biden claimed.

But if you're one of the reported thousands of coalition allies, green card holders and special immigrant visa holders left behind, how would you feel hearing the President of the United States tell the world that he has “turned the page?” Hopeless is the word that comes to mind.


While Joe Biden’s administration is leaving Americans behind, we find out this week that, out of the 60,000 evacuated from Afghanistan, only 16 % of them were special immigrant visa holders, U.S. citizens or permanent residents. That begs the question as to who the rest of them are.

We’re already seeing the effects of having unvetted Afghanis in our country:

At Ft. McCoy in Wisconsin where 12,500 Afghanis have been released, two refugees were federally indicted for sex crimes against a minor and domestic assault.

At another refugee camp at Ft. Bliss in New Mexico, a “small group” of Afghan male refugees assaulted a female service member in a parking lot.

Also, at the Ft. Bliss compound in El Paso, reports are that theses refugees are calling Ubers to come and go as they please. The same thing is happening at Ft. Pickett in Virginia.

(Afghan refugees arriving at Ft. Bliss)

If the Biden State Department isn’t vetting evacuees, shouldn't Americans have some say as to whether they are just dumped on their doorsteps?


Moving on from the debacle in Afghanistan, let’s look at the debacle on our southern border. This past week, in order to deflect attention away from images of 15,000 migrant Haitians camped under the Del Rio bridge in Texas, the Biden administration created a smokescreen.

You've probably seen the pictures of a Border Patrol agent on horseback supposedly "whipping" a Haitian migrant.

Before we go any further, let's put things in perspective.

Here are two pictures of what the "migrant encampment" looked like BEFORE the politicians and MSM decided they needed to deflect our attention away from this humanitarian disaster.

SO, they decided to take advantage of that picture of the agent on horseback and go after the very people trying to prevent all this...the Border Patrol.

Senator Chuck Schumer hyperventilated on the floor of the Senate that “this is not America.” Vice President Kamala Harris said this evoked images of slavery." Rep. Maxine Waters ran to a microphone to declare that this isWORSE than slavery.” Joe Biden said he will make sure these Border Patrol agents PAY for their actions.

But all is not as it seems.

The head of the Border Patrol union says that whips were not used. What is seen in the pictures is the split reins of the horse’s bridle. Even the photographer who took the picture says he NEVER saw agents whipping anyone.

Here’s a picture of the same incident as seen from another view.

AND, here’s a video of the same incident that totally quashes the left’s narrative. See for yourself.

Needless to say, the Border Patrol agents are furious that Biden is blaming THEM when, as one officer said, "He won't man up and accept responsibility for his own decisions." And you REALLY know it's a hoax when CNN calls you out!

How is it that the administration and the mainstream media can be "whipped" into an outrage about a picture of a border agent on horseback but then basically ignore the botched drone strike that took the lives of innocent aid workers and seven children in Afghanistan??


The mainstream media hasn't delved much into the Maricopa County, Arizona election audit other than to hype that Biden actually won by a few more hard-copy ballots than originally reported. However, what they AREN'T saying is that fraud is fraud. You can read the Executive Summary report for yourself, but the audit found that 57,000 ballots had issues and should never have been included in the certified election results. That number doesn't include 17,000 duplicate ballots found in the audit of mail-in ballot envelopes. Biden's margin of victory was only 10,457 for the ENTIRE state. The investigation is ongoing and criminal acts discovered in the audit are being referred to the Attorney General. But the bottom line is that a fraudulent election, regardless of outcome, should not be certified.

(Maricopa County audit. (courtesy The Arizona Republic)


There’s an Orwellian principal that suggests that, if you can control the language, you can control the masses.

Well, we’re seeing that very thing happening with what used to be one of the most trusted institutions, the American Medical Association.

The AMA has come out with its “Winter 2021 “AMA COVID-19 Guide: Background/Messaging on Vaccines, Vaccine Clinical Trials & Combatting Vaccine Misinformation.” This manual is instructing doctors how to “disinform” the vaccine-hesitant by swapping out words and using linguistic propaganda to communicate in a more “narrative-affirming” manner. Swap out words like “Operation Warp Speed” and use “standard process.” Instead of “hospitalization rates,” a better word for doctors to use is “deaths.”


The issue of vaccine mandates continues to take its toll on humanity.

Here are some of the latest reports:

In one of the most draconian efforts to force the vaccine on people, Italy will be requiring proof of vaccination for workers or else they won't be PAID. Also, any journalist reporting on the mandate will be classified as a terrorist.

In the United States, as many as 10,000 New York City school teachers face termination if they are not vaccinated by Tuesday, September 28th. (UPDATE : A three-judge panel has upheld the mandate and lawyers for the teachers and other school staff will be petitioning the Supreme Court to intervene.)

In a blow to our national defense, over 600 Navy SEALS (probably the healthiest people on the planet!) risk not being deployed and fired for refusing the vax.

And to make hospitals even more understaffed (which means even more people will die), New York hospitals are facing mass firings as workers are rejecting the vaccine. The governor of New York is looking to deploy the National Guard to replace them. Last year's heroes are now today's villains.


Now that President Biden and his administration have managed to tick off our allies around the world with his hasty retreat from Afghanistan and stiff-arming our oldest ally, France (in the recent trilateral arms agreement between the U.S., the U. K and Australia), we’ve now managed to snub another one--Great Britain.

It happened in an Oval Office meeting last week with British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. At the end of the meeting, with the press in the room for photos, Boris Johnson decided to take a question from a reporter with the BBC. You can see that Biden’s handlers cut Boris Johnson off mid-sentence and then ushered the press out of the room. Isn’t it rather customary for the press to ask questions when world leaders meet in the Oval Office? But we know that Biden’s handlers are terrified to have him take unscripted questions. Here’s a clip of the chaos:

Later, Jen Psaki, threw Boris Johnson under the bus for not “warning the White House that he might start a conversation.” That’s how we win friends and influence people.


A new Rasmussen presidential poll shows that Donald Trump would sail past Joe Biden in the 2024 election by a margin of 51% to 41%. He would beat Kamala Harris by even more, 51% to 39%. With the current state of our country, I sure could use a mean tweet about now.


One of the most famous comedy routines of all time is Bud Abbott and Lou Costello performing “Who’s on first?” It’s always worth a watch:

For your entertainment, here’s an updated version of Bud and Lou discussing the pandemic.


The Bible tells us in the book of Genesis, that God reveals to Abraham he will destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their wickedness. Abraham pleads with God to spare the cities since his nephew, Lot, and his family live there. God agrees to spare the cities if ten righteous people can be found. But Lot and his family are the only ones. God sends angels to tell Lot to leave immediately and not to look back. The story then recounts that the heavens opened and rained fire and brimstone, destroying the cities and everything around.

It now appears that there is evidence supporting this story. The findings from archeological excavation site of Tall el-Hammam in Jordan, the location of the Biblical Sodom, show that a meteor possibly exploded over the city with a force 1000 times stronger than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Evidence shows melted bricks and pottery along with minerals turned to glass that could only happen at temperatures exceeding 4500 degrees Fahrenheit.

Maybe we shouldn't plan any trips to Washington, D.C. in the foreseeable future?

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